Hi Everyone,
How is everyone doing? I am trying to figure out how to go about backing up my files. I'm in WebShell, using my mom's computer at the moment, since mine is having problems.
Anyways, sometimes I just run into problems figuring out how to get things to work properly. Can't seem to find certain things that people say will be there. I see things that say, Duplicate, Move, stuff like that. I tried Duplicate, and yes, it makes a copy of things, but trying to get them on my Discs. I keep getting hacked and stuff alot, and trying to make sure I don't lose all my hard work with things.
Recently, a bunch of different repairmen keep messing things up. Plus someone who did Remote Access, turns out is not the person we thought we were contacting. A wrong information given. So, is a hacker who has looks like done something. Not sure.