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Friday, 28 January 2011
FTP/WebShell help

I am trying to upload files from my computer onto my web site, but when I try to log on to the FTP server thing, it says 



But, I type in my username and password, and literally nothing happens. I click "log in" and the same box for entering my username and password comes up. It doesn't even tell me I typed it in wrong, it just refreshes the box over and over again. 

So I thought I would try the WebShell instead, but I have NO IDEA where to find it.. Is it still available for free membership users??

I've tried google-ing both of these issues, and I get no results. I am just brought back to the FAQ's here on the site, which are no help at all.. If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, please.. Do tell. 

Posted by kllegros at 12:24 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post

Friday, 28 January 2011 - 2:26 PM EST

Name: "Malexder"

If you're a free account member, you don't have FTP access.
Web Shell is in your Control Panel, about the middle of the page.

Friday, 28 January 2011 - 11:56 PM EST

Name: "anonymous"

I have a free (ad supported) angelfire site & am allowed to use FTP.

On my FTP program there are three boxes. On the first box, Labeled "FTP"
I type: ftp.angelfire.com

On the second box, labeled: 'Username' I type my angelfire username

In the third box, labeled 'password', I type my Angelfire password.

 (I am using Simple FTP Client - just search it on Google...it's freeware)


Saturday, 29 January 2011 - 6:15 AM EST

Name: "Malexder"

Not all our free account members have FTP access but it looks like you do. You're also entering the info correctly, so something else is going on. 

Please submit a help ticket: https://help.lycos.com/ .

 Thank you.

Saturday, 29 January 2011 - 1:18 PM EST

Name: "anonymous"

Web Shell and FTP are no longer offered to new free users.  It says so right on the hosting plans page 


The entry level works out to only being 95 cents a month, which gives you FTP and Web Shell, and is far cheaper than any other hosting you'll find anywhere else. 

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