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Thursday, 18 November 2010
What happened to billing information?

OK, I'm confused now. When I log in, it takes me directly to webshell. Control panel button logs me out and takes me to angelfire.lycos.com. I have no access it seems, to my web options. I wanted to check on payment history for my site and can't seem to find this anywhere.

Tried the manage add-ons button and get a script error.

Posted by blog/wpsatschool at 8:18 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post

Thursday, 18 November 2010 - 9:39 AM EST

Name: "Scott"


Billing information is accessed via the control panel.

When you first log into your site, you are brought to the control pane.  In the right-hand side bar to the site, underneath the 'feedback button' there is an "Account Information" tab.  if you click on that, all the information about your particular account will show up.  Disk space, bandwidth, and in reference to your question, the button to the billing information.

Thursday, 18 November 2010 - 10:49 AM EST

Name: "blog/wpsatschool"

Hi Scott - Thanks for the reply. Yes, I would expect it to be as you said but something was screwy with what was appearing in my menus. I wound up submitting a trouble ticket to Lycos helpdesk. Tried the login a few minutes ago and everything is back to normal. I can access the billing records and the script errors are gone.


Thursday, 18 November 2010 - 7:23 PM EST

Name: "Scott"

Ah that's strange.  Well I'm glad it got worked out for you.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010 - 1:15 PM EST

Name: "Oppie"
Home Page: http://blog/wpsatschool

OK, it happened again on another computer now. Every time I log into my site, instead of going to the control panel, it only goes to the webshell. When I click on the 'control panel' button it takes me to the angelfire.lycos.com loging page.

Seems to consistently happen with Internet Explorer 8. Whether it's an IE setting that can be changed or just IE, can't say. Firefox on the other hand always seems to work as expeced.

Tried with IE to clear the cache. No change. I'll just stick to Firefox 3.6.3 for now.

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