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Sunday, 22 March 2009
Why did my index file transfer to my other angelfire web page?
Mood:  down
Topic: HTML Questions

Can anyone help me understand what I did to make my index file from one angelfire web site override to my other angelfire web site?

I had both index files open on 2 TABS in internet explorer; I thought it was a convenient way to view both index files without having to log-off and log-in for each web site.

However, something must have been set in motion because all of a sudden my index files were identical and there was no way to go back.

 I had to do over the second web page HTML etc.

I would love to understand what I actually did to cause this problem.

One thing for sure - I will NEVER open both index files on tabs again.

The really weird thing was that I could access the photos etc. even though my directory did not have the photos - the photos were in the original directory in the other web page.???

Hope I'm describing this correctly - very confusing to me. Thanks for your help anyone? 





Posted by ct/dorothykam at 3:28 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 22 March 2009 - 10:28 PM EDT

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

The problem is in IE, I am not sure but try this

click on tools, Internet Options, General tab, click on settings in Browser history, select Never, click OK , Apply , OK.

restart IE

try to open 2 tabs.

What happenes IE looks in the cached files for 

index.html@http://www.angelfire.com both sites have the same name, so IE picks one one of them, not suppose to but with crapy browser like IE it happens, try it with Firefox browser.

Sunday, 22 March 2009 - 10:33 PM EDT

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

I forgot, next time it happenes, get out, don't save. as long you don't save nothing will change. because what you add to editor stays in your system memory not the server until you save it.

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