
Topic: HTML Questions
Can anyone help me understand what I did to make my index file from one angelfire web site override to my other angelfire web site?
I had both index files open on 2 TABS in internet explorer; I thought it was a convenient way to view both index files without having to log-off and log-in for each web site.
However, something must have been set in motion because all of a sudden my index files were identical and there was no way to go back.
I had to do over the second web page HTML etc.
I would love to understand what I actually did to cause this problem.
One thing for sure - I will NEVER open both index files on tabs again.
The really weird thing was that I could access the photos etc. even though my directory did not have the photos - the photos were in the original directory in the other web page.???
Hope I'm describing this correctly - very confusing to me. Thanks for your help anyone?