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Wednesday, 14 January 2009
anglefire assignment
Mood:  irritated

trying to give my sub domain a assignment so i can use it but keeps comeing back not a anglefire diretory can anybody help

you can e_mail e at drennena9p@yahoo.com

Posted by drenna9p at 3:00 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 14 January 2009 - 12:10 PM EST

Name: "Bill"
Home Page: http://help.lycos.com


It may be 'stuck' in a bad state.  Please try the following:

- Park the sub-domain name

- Then use the forward assignment to point the sub-domain name to the desired URL.

- That should take without a problem, if not, see the last comment on my post

- If that worked, now try the Angelfire assignment.  The previous steps should have worked the sub domain out of its bad state and now the Angelfire assignment should work.

If you are still experiencing problems, please contact Lycos Customer Service through your Live Chat link (hours = M - F, 9-5 EST) or by submitting a ticket here - http://help.lycos.com/newticket.php 



Wednesday, 25 May 2022 - 7:35 AM EDT

Name: "Laura"
Home Page: http://akamsremoteconnect.info/

Great Post! Thank you for visiting here. 



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