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Thursday, 8 January 2009
Virus on Web Site

Customers running the anti-virus software Avast are reporting a Virus alert on their web site. Initial investigation appears to confirm that the virus is not originating from Lycos, but we are continuing to gather more information in order to make a more complete diagnosis. If you are experiencing a Virus alert on your Angelfire site, please submit a support ticket at help.lycos.com and provide us with your browser type/version, operating system and anti-virus software.

Thanks -

Lycos Support

Posted by admin at 10:15 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 10 January 2009 - 4:27 AM EST

Name: "anonymous"

     I hope that Lucos Support is going to keep us informed of any subsequent developments in this case.


Wednesday, 14 January 2009 - 12:19 PM EST

Name: "Bill"
Home Page: http://help.lycos.com


We did conduct a rather comprehensive investigation into this and we were able to identify this isssue as Avast identifying a piece of code within our site as a false-positive.

We attempted to contact Avast concerning this issue, but to date have had no response.

We did download and install Avast in order to test this issue and we used their system to assist our investigation.  When we were sure that the issue was identified, we used their system to report the problem as a false-positive.  Several of our other customers also identified the issue as a false-positive and we believe this led to Avast correcting the issue on their next set of released Virus definitions.

We have had no new complaints and it appears this issue is resolved.  Please be sure to contact us if you do experience this sort of behavior as we take these issues very seriously and work quickly to remove any offending virus/malware that may have been introduced to our system, whether it be by hosting or by a redirect piece of code.



Wednesday, 25 May 2022 - 7:32 AM EDT

Name: "Lauraa joe"
Home Page: http://https://akamsremoteconnect.info/

Great Post! Thank you for visiting here. 



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