Tuesday, 18 March 2008 - 8:06 AM EDT
Home Page:
The iframe can stay- that's your chatbox. it will not affect the ads The absolute positioning has to go or the ads will keep running into your page content as in your screenshot.
I did a quick redo of your site removing the absolute poisitioning and using a relatively positioned table based layout instead. It's not the best job because of all the html errors your current page contains but I tried my best. I wanted to be able to show you how relative positioning works better with ads than your absolute positioning. Link is above and hopefully, I didn't screw it up too much so that it displays OK for you. The ads should be able to position themselves around your content since nothing on your page is glued into exact pixel coordinates but are allowed some flexibility.
Your site design is attractive and the content is plentiful. For what it's worth, design and content aren't your problem but html structure definitely is. I think you need to find a builder that can write proper html and also spend some time learning html basics including the structure of an html document. It looks to me like you took a css based template and then copied and pasted html into it willynilly because you didn't know better. Your page is suffering because of it. If you are using a builder then you may need to learn how to properly insert copied code with it.
A good site to learn html is http://w3schools.com/ There is also htmlgoodies.com for more tutorials.
A useful free WYSIWYG builder is available from firefox and netscape. They are called NVU and Kompozer. You can always use Notepad if you want to write the html yourself.
hope this helps