Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 11:32 AM EST
Home Page:
Thank you Tom for response.
While in my web shell, on my home page, the html you have here is not there. The html that was there was <!--Generated by Anglefire: LOO SOO--> I have removed it and the logo still remains.
"CW" in the post below this one said that she thought this was something I had added myself when I copy/pasted this page. I went back to the copy I saved to a CD, and yes it showed up there even though it did not show up on my home page when I saved the copy. INTERESTING!
OK, now I know how it got on my home page, but not on my CD. Removing this html <!--Generated by Angelfire: LOO SOO--> has not removed it from my home page. Do you have anyother suggestions?
THANK you so much for your help!