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Wednesday, 7 November 2007
ANGELFIRE logo on my home page!
Mood:  irritated


Once again you, Angelfire, have placed your ANGELFIRE logo on my home page.  I am paying every month for the Krypton contract.  I just reviewed it again and it still says NO ADS.  I understand NO ADS to mean NO ADS.  Since I am unable to remove it I am asking you to please abid by your contract and remove your ANGELFIRE logo from my web site.


Thank you

Posted by ia/countrytimefarm at 9:10 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (15) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 7 November 2007 - 11:28 PM EST

Name: "anonymous"

are you using the advance editor or the basic editor?

also the two links below

Dixie and Ken Roth 

 they need the closing tag >

they look like this

<br><a href="https://www.angelfire.com/biz/wcr6"<1>Symbols Unveiled</1></a>

<br><a href="http://www.lakelandrealtyofiowa.com/bin/web/real_estate/AR65288/ACTIVATE_FRAMES/HOME_SEARCH/Spirit+Lake/1179761208.html"<1>COUNTRY TIME FARM for SALE</h1></a>
they need to be like lis
<br><a href="https://www.angelfire.com/biz/wcr6"><1>Symbols Unveiled</1></a>

<br><a href="http://www.lakelandrealtyofiowa.com/bin/web/real_estate/AR65288/ACTIVATE_FRAMES/HOME_SEARCH/Spirit+Lake/1179761208.html"><1>COUNTRY TIME FARM for SALE</h1></a>


Thursday, 8 November 2007 - 4:06 AM EST

Name: "tom"

If you are using the Advanced HTML editor, simply remove the following code and the A/F logo will disappear:

<div align="center"><img src="/doc/images/af_logo_156.gif"></div>

Thursday, 8 November 2007 - 9:20 AM EST

Name: "cw"

I have a feeling this is something you added yourself, or forgot to remove when copying pasting your html. Follow Tom's instructions and the logo should be gone.


Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 11:32 AM EST

Name: "Dixie"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/ia/countrytimefarm

Thank you Tom for response. 

While in my web shell, on my home page, the html you have here is not there.  The html that was there was <!--Generated by Anglefire: LOO SOO-->  I have removed it and the logo still remains.

"CW" in the post below this one said that she thought this was something I had added myself when I copy/pasted this page.  I went back to the copy I saved to a CD, and yes it showed up there even though it did not show up on my home page when I saved the copy.  INTERESTING!

OK, now I know how it got on my home page, but not on my CD.  Removing this html <!--Generated by Angelfire: LOO SOO--> has not removed it from my home page.  Do you have anyother suggestions? 

THANK you so much for your help! 


Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 11:43 AM EST

Name: "Dixie"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/ia/countrytimefarm

Thank you anonymous,

I am using Basic Editor.

On the closing tag information

I don't know what a closing tag is and as I look at these they both look the same.  They are what I have.  Please try to explain to me again what it is I chould change or add.  They seem to be working.


Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 1:00 PM EST

Name: "cw"

dixie- the html you removed is not the html tom told you about. This is the code you should delete. It is near the very top of the source code.

<div align="center"><img src="/doc/images/af_logo_156.gif"></div>
PS- you have numerous html errors, not just the ones anon mentioned. 
To clarify what anon meant...... 
<a href="https://www.angelfire.com/biz/wcr6" is missing a > after /wcr6"
ditto for the other link code. A > is missing in the same place. 





Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 1:16 PM EST

Name: "anonymous"

open the index.html page in the editor and look in Step 6 look for 

/doc/images/af_logo_156.gif in the box

delete that, just wippe it out. or you can add your own image. and save go to your page and reload your browser few times.

for the closing tag it looks  like this >

look for

<1>Symbols Unveiled</1>
just add a the closing arrow before it 
><1>Symbols Unveiled</1>
do the same with
change it to 


Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 4:50 PM EST

Name: "Dixie"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/ia/countrytimefarm

THANK YOU "CW", Tom and anonymous!

Step #6 was where it was at.  INTERESTING  I say was, it is now gone!  And as for the tag things, I got those corrected also.

I hope some day I will know enough to also help others.



Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 5:06 PM EST

Name: "anonymous"

you need to change this

<1>Symbols Unveiled</1>
to this
<h1> Symbols Unveiled </h1>
and this
 to this


Saturday, 10 November 2007 - 5:08 PM EST

Name: "anonymous"

you need to change this

<1>Symbols Unveiled</1>
to this
<h1> Symbols Unveiled </h1>
and this
 to this


Sunday, 11 November 2007 - 8:58 PM EST

Name: "Dixie"
Home Page: http://www.countrytimefarm.net

I went in and changed the html you said needed to be corrected, even though everything was working and looking just fine.  I then had a BIG mess I had to figured out.  I know some of my html is not correct, now that I looked closer, but the page is doing and looking like I want it for now.  If I add or remove something it messes up the rest of the page.  Then I have to work at getting it all changed again and some times that takes a while.

THANKS for your help!


Sunday, 11 November 2007 - 9:32 PM EST

Name: "anonymous"

LOL... you don't want to sneez.  It looks better, no code showing.

Monday, 12 November 2007 - 8:51 AM EST

Name: "Dixie"
Home Page: http://www.countrytimefarm.net

OK guys, you got me curious!  Where was or is my code showing?

I know sometimes when I do things like >h1> it shows on the finished page.  I haven't found any there now, but some times I don't see things to well.  Where is my code showing?  I need to get that corrected!  BUT only if it is showing.  I sneez to often!

Some day when the time is right, I will look my web site all over and correct things.  Right now is my busiest time of year with orders and all.  I am one who changes things on my web site often.  That is why I am the web Master.  My site is not the prettest or cutest or flashest but it is one of the easiest to maneuver through.  KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetie)

 If and where my code is showing please let me know!


Monday, 12 November 2007 - 12:10 PM EST

Name: "cw"
Home Page: http://w3schools.com/

code was showing in the links anon told you to correct. You fixed it when you added the ending  > for the link tags. you are still missing a closing </h3> tag after the text symbols unveiled.

Dixie, KISS includes valid html. Just because it works in your browser does not mean it will work in someone else's browser. Valid html is something you should strive for. Bad structure could also hurt you in search engines. You should at least become familiar with the basic structure of an html document. i.e. only one <html>, <head>, <title> and <body> tag, all of which must also be closed with the appropriate closing tag. Meta tags belong in the head section not the body which is where your own appear (you have duplicate head tags among others). Stuff like that can cause problems for you and your visitors alike.

A good reference source for html is at  http://w3schools.com/

Wednesday, 14 November 2007 - 8:47 AM EST

Name: "Dixie"
Home Page: http://www.countrytimefarm.net

THANKS CW, I didn't know all this.  I am always learning!

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