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Friday, 19 October 2007
A public service announcement: Check your debit cards
Now Playing: Red Sox vs Indians, Game 5
Topic: News

Dear Angelfire Users,

Lycos has received reports that bank-issued VISA debit card numbers may have been compromised at an unknown merchant, prompting banks to close those debit card accounts.  This situation has nothing to do with Angelfire, Tripod, HTML Gear, or Lycos, but please do the following:

(1) Check your bank statements for any potentially fraudulent activity;

(2) Check to make sure your account has not been closed unexpectedly;


(3) If the Visa debit card you are using to pay for Angelfire, Tripod, HTML Gear, Lycos Domains, or Lycos Mail service has been unexpectedly closed, update your billing information with a new card number so that you do not lose your premium service.

Thank you for your attention,
The Friendly Folks at Angelfire

Posted by press at 12:01 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

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