Mood: a-ok
Topic: HTML Questions
Thanks so much... The turtle link I spoke of is working now. I don't know what happened--I didn't touch it--but it was down for awhile but is fine now. And thanks for noticing my meta tags. That fixed another problem I was having before I asked about it! No idea how the ?lpt;<...>? got there as I simply copied and pasted the tags, but...There they were.
Now I've got one more thing...On my home page I have a picture of a zebra... That shows up fine on a desktop computer, but when a friend tried to view it on her sidekick she said she only saw the box where the pic was supposed to be and the label about the Quagga that I had under it--there was no pic of a zebra there. She said she had never seen anything like that before because her sidekick usually shows web pages and pictures just fine. So I was wondering if this is normal because it's a cell phone with a tiny screen or if there's some adjustment I need to make so the pic will show up on all computers?