Tuesday, 18 September 2007 - 3:13 AM EDT
The following links on your main turtle page require some adjustment:
<a href="laws.html">Laws involving turtles and YOU!</a><br>
<a href="whichkind.html">How do I know which kind is for me: Aquatic, terrestrial, or desert tortoise?</a><br>
<a href="experiencelevel.html">Turtles recommended for your level of experience </a><br> (AKA which ones are good for beginners, etc.) <br>
<a href="identity.html">Identify this turtle?</a><br>(especially important if yours is wild-caught!)<br>
<a href="isithealthy.html">How do I know my turtle is healthy?</a><br>
<a href="breeder.html">A few online breeders & stores I trust</a> <p>
<h2 align="left"> Care & maintenance </h2> <p>
<h4 align="left"> Habitats & housing </h4> <p>
<a href="aquatic.html">Aquatic turtles </a><br> (Examples: Red-eared sliders, Painted turtles, Japanese Reeve's, Chicken turtle, snappers, & others)<br>
<a href="semiaquatic.html">Semiaquatic turtles </a><br>
(Examples: Wood, leaf, bog, & Asian Box turtles)<br>
<a href="semiterrestrial.html">Semiterrestrial turtles </a><br>
(Examples: American Box & wood turtles)<br>
<a href="terrestrialforest.html">Terrestrial/forest tortoises </a><br>
(Examples: Red- & yellow-footed tortoises, marginated tortoise, hingeback tortoise, elongated tortoise, Burmese tortoise, & others) <br>
<a href="desert.html">Terrestrial/desert tortoises </a><br>
(Examples: Horsfield's (Russian, Afghan) tortoise, Indian star tortoise, sulcata tortoise, African Pancake tortoise, & others)<br>
<a href="terrapin.html">Brackish terrapins </a><br> (Examples: Diamondback terrapin) <p>
<h4 align="left"> Inside the enclosure </h4> <p>
<a href="light.html">Lighting & heating</a><br>
<a href="substrate.html">Appropriate substrates</a><br>
<a href="waterland.html">Water/land requirements</a><br>
<a href="humid.html">Humidity control </a><br>
(Does not apply to aquatic turtles or brackish terrapins) <br>
<a href="comfort.html">Finally, make it feel like home!</a><p>
<h4 align="left"> Day-to-day care & resources </h4> <p>
<a href="food.html">Feeding & nutrition</a><br>
<a href="prevent.html">Cleaning & prevention</a><br>
<a href="troubleshoot.html">Solve turtle problems</a><br>
Last but not least, <br>
<a href="psychology.html">understand Turtle-Speak!</a><br>
<a href="recommend.html">Turtle products I recommend & where to get it</a><br>
<a href="define.html">Definitions of turtle terms</a><p>
<h2 align="left"> Interesting stuff & links </h2> <p>
<a href="allturtles.html">All the turtles that have existed in the world & their ID & info</a><br>
<a href="endangeredlist.html">Endangered turtles list</a><br>
<a href="rarelist.html">A list of rare turtles & pictures</a><p>
<a href="seaturtlelinks.html">Some links on sea turtles I have enjoyed</a><br>
A true miracle of nature:<br>
<a href="noeyes.html">The No-Eyes Red-Eared slider!</a><br>
<a href="../contact.html">My contact info</a><br>
<a href="myturtle">Meet my turtles!</a>
All the above links should read like this:
<a href="http://turtlestruebiz.angelfire.com/turtlecare/laws.html">Laws involving turtles and YOU!</a><br>
In other words, put the FULL URL PATH for each link.