I created a blog today to attach to my website. After making the first post, I tried to post a comment in the comments section, just to test that feature and make sure it was working. But nothing I click on in the Comments box will do anything. When I click on the Comments link, the box does come up on the screen, and the comment can be entered into the box. But clicking on either the "Preview" or "Submit" button does nothing. The comment can't be previewed or posted. Only the Cancel button works (the comment box goes away).
I tried testing the Comments function both logged in and not logged in (I want non-Angelfire members to be able to post comments), but neither worked.
Does anybody know what might cause this kind of problem?
(I tried to edit the post to note that the comment section isn't working yet, but the site then eliminated the whole post.)
Blog - https://www.angelfire.com/planet/zerofret/annesblog/
Website - https://www.angelfire.com/planet/zerofret/