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Wednesday, 1 August 2007
HTML Editor acting up

I tried to put an embedded audio file in a post

I selected for  autostart="false"

 When I preview the above is gone.

 Now since I pasted it in here because I copied it out of the original html.

 I am confused as to why it keeps dissapearing.


In additon I have some embedded videos in my draft files.

 Because I used to be able to edit them for a new media file and use the code over and over again.

When I open drafts they are there they work but when I open the html edictor to copy the code there is nothing there

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:27 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 1 August 2007 - 8:01 PM EDT

Name: wwwwwwwww
Home Page: http://wwwwwwwww.angelfire.com

If you are talking about a webpage at Angelfire, forget embed and just put at the bottom of your page in brackets:

bgsound src=nameofsoundfile

To see what I mean, go to my Doctor Who page and right click your mouse for sourcecode:


Wednesday, 1 August 2007 - 8:08 PM EDT

Name: wwwwwwwww
Home Page: http://wwwwwwwww.angelfire.com

I just went to your page and the song plays OK when you click it, but if you want it to start playing automatically, try bgsound src. It should work ok with or without removing your embedded version, just use the same song.mid

Friday, 3 August 2007 - 4:17 PM EDT

Name: "mamagoo"

this new blog format 'tinymce'  is doing it.  writing in html embed code does not work there anymore.  the blog will scrub it and it disappears.  

and your blog's earlier post with the embed code that is in the draft folder , and that  post was created before this new tinymce format you will no longer  see it in the html blog editor. 

this new tinymce format scrubbed the  html sources....... 

if you want to embed a player on your blog, you would need to use 'advanced customization'  in the blog control and insert the embed source code to the 

 'Main page layout (index.btpl)'  either at the top of the page or the bottom...... but..... ........

this would embed the player on your entire blog not just one post.  

If you want music in one post,  you would have to edit the post and chose the 'insert audio button' that is there in the menu. 

this new  'tinymce blog format'  is not html friendly when editing......and what html that  was there from the old blog format, is now not visable in the html editor


Friday, 3 August 2007 - 4:41 PM EDT

Name: "mamagoo again"

btw, dan I just noticed the embedded player on your homepage


it doesn't have the the closing embed tag...  </embed>  it works regardless for me but some web browsers may not let the song play. here is the the code as it should be:

<EMBED SRC="harlech.mid" AUTOSTART="false" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="false" Width="145" Height="90"></EMBED>


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