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Tuesday, 26 June 2007
upgrading account
I have a Neon-level account (lowest level paid account) and I'm considering upgrading to the next level. I would like some input from others who have done this.

First of all, the upgrade would come with a free domain name. Do you have to take the domain name, or is this optional? I've gotten along fine all these years without one; I want the upgrade for the increased space and the more detailed stats, not the domain name. And is it really free? I've seen questions posted in this blog suggesting that you actually have to go buy it from Lycos.

My concern about getting a domain name is that my site has been around for over six years and is linked in a lot of places, and it would be impossible for me to contact all the webmasters where my site is linked to ask them to change the link. Will people clicking on links to the old site name be able to access the site under the domain name?

Finally, I also saw several entries in this blog where people who were trying to upgrade actually got knocked back down to the free service level. Is this a common problem or were those a few rare exceptions?

I appreciate any feedback anyone can give me so I can decide whether or not I want to upgrade. Thanks!

Posted by moon momma at 2:06 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Tuesday, 26 June 2007 - 7:50 PM EDT

Name: dalleh

the domain name comes free with the upgrade. it doesn't heart to have it.
both the old URL and the domain name point to the same site so you don't have to change any thing. the domain would be an extra free door to your home page.
The problems with the other members mostly they don't keep their credit card up to date with angelfire so when the system sees the card is expired and cannot collect the payment it kicks the member back to the free site but mostly it can be fixed when they update the credit card.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007 - 11:28 PM EDT

Name: anime2/nephandnaru

Thanks! I think I made up my mind. :)

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