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Friday, 9 March 2007
03/09/2007 - Angelfire Photo Albums Captcha Implementation
Starting at about 3PM EST today (March 9th, 2007), we'll be implementing new CAPTCHA functionality on Angelfire Photo Albums.

What does that mean for you? Less spam comments in your albums, on your photos.

The CAPTCHA feature will require "real" people to enter a verification code, before submitting their comments. This should cut down on a vast majority of the automated spam bots leaving comments on your photo albums.

We're hoping this added security will help reduce the amount of unsavry, and unrelated comments that get left on your blog, by automated machines, and result in a more user-friendly experience on your photo albums.

If this release goes well, we'll be adding this functionality to other areas of Angelfire (and eventually Tripod) as well, over the next few months.

If you run into any issues with your Photo Album after the release, please Open a New Support Ticket to let us know about your issues. Please be sure to include as much detail as possible, to help us track down the bug.

Mike - Customer Service; all things Lycos.

Posted by Mike J. at 3:12 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Friday, 9 March 2007 3:16 PM EST

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