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Thursday, 30 November 2006
updating email address
When I joined angelfire I used my yahoo email address. However for my site I wanted a new angelfire email address (my_email@lycos.com). So I got one and updated my ACCOUNT MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION. However when I went back to designing my site in the BASIC EDITOR STANDARD of the WEBSHELL and tried to include my email address, the old email address appeared on my web site.

Does anybody know if & how I can update my email address in my WEBSHELL? (Thanks in advance).


Posted by planet/mans_future at 2:16 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post

Thursday, 30 November 2006 - 10:06 PM EST

Name: dalleh

login and edit the index page, you don't have to change anything just click edit and save the address will change.

Friday, 1 December 2006 - 1:53 PM EST

Name: planet/mans_future
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/planet/mans_future/

Editing and saving the index page doesn't update the email address!!!!

I've got a feeling I'll have to start over again and make a new webshell. Hopefully that will solve the problem.

Friday, 1 December 2006 - 3:56 PM EST

Name: cw

no, I have a feeling you need to clear your browser cache and reload the page.

I checked on your site yesterday and saw a lycos.com email contact so I didn't bother to answer you since it looked like you no longer needed help. The lycos.com email address still shows at this very moment on your index page. If you don't see it then you must be looking at a cached copy of your page.

Friday, 1 December 2006 - 10:06 PM EST

Name: dalleh

you can add it to the text area like this

<CENTER><A HREF="mailto:my_email@lycos.com">my_email@lycos.com</A></CENTER>

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