Friday, 10 November 2006 - 9:32 PM EST
To set up sub-domains go to your account manager and chose the domain info manager chose the 'add a subdomain' . what you need to do is chose a name that you want to use in the url of this sub-domain name, such as for xample: mikespage
type that in the field there
then next page, chose 'SUBDOMAIN FORWARDING method.
so what your seeing in the field there now with my xample name it should show something like this that I made up:
Forward to http://________________
in the blank field put the name to mikes page mikesPage.html for xample.
now should look something like this:
Forward to http://mikesPage.html
mikes page could be on your account or it might be elsewhere, so you would need the name of the page there for the URL to get to Mikes page......
the assignment should look like this when your finished setting it up:
if your domain name for example is: ......then it should look like this in domain manager:
fowards to
after angelfire propagates the new name, in about 12 hours, then that url to mikes site should start to work and mikes page can be reached with the new forwarded url.
Mike can still use his old url to his page, however. this assignment just adds another way of reaching his site and it appears to be part of your name now, which that is what you intended it for.
Masking on or off. will have to be up to you.
Subdomain Masking displays your domain name in the browser address bar instead of the destination address. This feature is for non-Angelfire sites and Angelfire subdirectories.