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Saturday, 9 September 2006
Fav Icon
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: https://www.angelfire.com/poetry/northpoint/index.html
Topic: HTML Questions
Hey. My fav icon isn't working. Can some1 plz help me? My website link is above.

Posted by poetry/northpoint at 12:18 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (8) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 9 September 2006 - 9:13 PM EDT

Name: dalleh
Home Page: http://www.dalleh.com/HTML/Add_an_icon_to_URL/add_an_ic

you need to be in the advance editor, to get to the head tag.

look in this page for the code

Saturday, 9 September 2006 - 9:18 PM EDT

Name: dalleh
Home Page: http://www.dalleh.com/HTML/Add_an_icon_to_URL/add_an_ic

you need to be in the advance editor, to get to the head tag.

look in this page for the code

Monday, 11 September 2006 - 4:41 PM EDT

Name: Wolfie001
Home Page: http://poetry/northpoint

Thanks very, very much....[stupid webmaster mistake]

Tuesday, 12 September 2006 - 1:05 AM EDT

Name: dalleh

you are welcome, it is there.

Tuesday, 12 September 2006 - 10:33 AM EDT

Name: cw

You need to put the same code on every page at your site. The favicon appears with your index page but not the others.

Tuesday, 12 September 2006 - 3:54 PM EDT

Name: Wolfie001
Home Page: http://poetry/northpoint

Yeah, I guess, but wouldn't it make sense to only put it on the homepage since its really that page you normally want to bookmark unless you wanted a certian page and not the actual website itself? Anyways, thanks for the suggestion. MAYBE I'll install it.

Tuesday, 12 September 2006 - 7:42 PM EDT

Name: cw

Your logic about what page people will bookmark is flawed. WHO wants to bookmark?

If you're lucky enough to be picked up by a search engine, they will link to internal site pages that contain content. Your index page may not even be worthy of indexing because there is so little content there.

That someone will arrive at your homepage first... or even bookmark it is just an unreasoned assumption. There is nothing much on your homepage that would make someone think to bookmark it.

As you have it set up now, an interior page with poetry content would be a more likely bookmarked page imo. That's not to be harsh but to make you think about what people and search engines tend to look for. You don't bookmark what you don't know if you like yet. Visitor's can't find that out from your homepage.

Wednesday, 13 September 2006 - 4:18 PM EDT

Name: Wolfie001
Home Page: http://poetry/northpoint

Whoa..thats a mouthful, lol. But, thanks I'll do that.

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