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Saturday, 9 September 2006
form handler
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: CGI scripts
Hey I need some serious help with the way that my site handles the forms everytime I hit the submit button it takes me to my error page if anyone wants to help i have the page saved in a text file contact me and let me know thanks kevin
site is anglefire.com/planet/sewerpickers
to see the form that i'm working with you will have to type in the page name at the end of the url
i hope that someone out there understands this better then me

Posted by planet/sewerpickers at 10:00 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (8) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 9 September 2006 - 9:03 PM EDT

Name: dalleh

for a start do this and let me know
you have it this way
<input type="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="alphabetical">

change it to this way
<input type="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="Giants,Eagles,Raiders, the rest of the names">

Friday, 6 October 2006 - 5:48 AM EDT

Name: corporate credit
Home Page: http://debt.tdeer.com/corporate-credit.html

corporate credit

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 - 5:35 PM EDT

Name: mccormicky
Home Page: http://http:www.angelfire.com/planet/mccormicky

1st,I'd like to just complain about the state of
web hosting.They take your$ all right but if you ask
a question they act like they don't know you.
Ok I did tons of research on the form mailing issue.
You can use angelfire's form handler+v.simple form
(you find it in the script library)
Or you can weed thru the countless resources out there
cgi or perl scripts.The problem with #1 is angelfire
says it will create a log file on the fly automatically
you use the form handler...nope.I'm not seeing this at all.
If this is what you want (sort of a guestbook but very
bare...I suggest you leave out the "save file" input
part of the form.I'm yet to see any results but you may be
The 2cnd option is to download a bunch of modules from
or perl.org or one of the many sites that list
This is a little hairy as there are a billion of them
who knows what they do.
All I know is my scripts began to work after I
downloaded Carp and HtmlEasy pm's.Could just be coincidental.
I haven't been able to get a message board up but I did
find a thing called a url search engine and you can find the
files here:
Out of all the allegedly easy scripts,this one worked.It doesn't mail to you but it logs
all your visitors comments in a html formatted
page and on a bare text log file.
It creats the log text file for you(like angelfires script is supposed to but mysteriously doesn't)
Anyway that site describes it better than this.
I combined this script with my mail.cgi script for the
hell of it.
I found this great widget at the same site
it works sort of.I would love it if anyone could get
it to work all the way and then tell me how you did it.
I keep getting an error message every blinking time.
Also the perl mod that angelfire loads for you,CGI is
a little buggy.
Also you may wonder why I need to make so many scripts
work on my little rinky dink angelfire page...
5 bucks a month!
lol.I really don't know why I chose them...but after all
the work I've done I guess I can live without php or asp.
And what's all this

about xml? Is it supported or not? I've tried to get
some on here but no luck.
Please let there be some posters on this who are in my
same predicament!!!!

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 - 5:38 PM EDT

Name: planet/mccormicky
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/planet/mccormicky

just wanted to correct my site url. duh!

Monday, 3 October 2016 - 6:19 AM EDT

Name: "Anurag"
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Tuesday, 21 June 2022 - 12:58 AM EDT

Name: "jajara7981"
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Friday, 12 July 2024 - 5:59 AM EDT

Name: "Joshep"
Home Page: http://www.gm-socrates.com

What an enlightening read! Your ability to simplify complex ideas is truly impressive.

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