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Wednesday, 9 August 2006
Member Sites Indexing System
Mood:  quizzical
Does anyone here know how Angelfire index(s) member sites? It really annoying not knowing. If anyone could please help out and clarify. Thanks.

Posted by poetry/northpoint at 6:06 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 9 August 2006 - 9:48 PM EDT

Name: dalleh
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.lycos.com/site_map/

go here and click away


Thursday, 10 August 2006 - 8:19 AM EDT

Name: Wolfie001 (poetry/northpoint)
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/poetry/northpoint/index.html

So.../poetry would be in node what and leaf where?

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