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Friday, 28 July 2006
CGI Resources
Mood:  a-ok
OK, I am trying this post one more time. For anyone who would like to do something a little more interesting with their Angelfire pages, I found this "online book" for beginners interested in learning PERL. Thought it was worth a mention and even if you don't know CGI you can get a few tips here:

Posted by Daymon at 1:06 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post

Friday, 28 July 2006 - 1:16 PM EDT

Name: Daymon

Well, I posted in the CGI section again, and again the post shows up here, but not under the CGI section. Not sure whats going on. I clicked the CGI section, then clicked "post to this blog" from that page which was (and still is) empty. Something is buggy.

Friday, 28 July 2006 - 2:31 PM EDT

Name: cw

Posting from the cgi "page" won't do it. That isn't going to categorize your new entry under cgi. You need to manually select the topic from the list that should appear when you are creating the entry. The entry screen is where the topic field is applied so entries are organized into categories.

If you don't see a drop down topic field near the top left of the entry screen when creating an entry, post back.

Friday, 28 July 2006 - 4:01 PM EDT

Name: planet/crashtestdummy

daymon- I think i broke the blog lol by signing in under a second alias. A new entry I posted to see if the topic list appears to all members made the new post act for me like a hidden private one when not logged in- (sorry AF guys). So just in case you can't see my newest post either, just want to repeat that the topic must be selected in the topic field of the entry creation screen when the entry is first created. Topics can't be added retroactively to existing posts. So try it again with a new entry. Since I tried it under an alias that does not recognize me as a moderator, I know the topic dropdown list should be functioning OK for all members. It worked perfectly in the new entry I botched and if you can see it you'll see it is posted to cgi scripts. Anyway, If no topic is selected the entry category defaults to none.

It would be nice if the topic were added automatically from whatever topic "page" you are viewing from but don't think that will ever be possible. The "page" as you see it doesn't really exist except in your own view since "pages" are dynamically generated. The topics act only as a crude search feature so that the dynamically generated blog pages retrieve or collate all posts under a certain topic- but only if those topics were selected from the entry screen at the time the entry first posts. Otherwise they will not be categorized.

hope that clears thing up.

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