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Sunday, 23 July 2006
Is This Site Useful ?
Please take the time to feedback your comments on this site.

1. What do you view most?
(a) Family History
(b) Shoe Box Photos
(c) Cindy's Favorite Recipes
(d) Family Birthdays
(e) All of the above

2. How often do you view the site?

3. What do you NOT like about the site?

4. What suggestions would you have to improve this site?

Posted by or2/stephens at 7:57 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 23 July 2006 - 10:01 AM EDT

Name: dalleh

what site are you talking about?

Monday, 24 July 2006 - 5:49 AM EDT

Name: me2/kulacoco


I visited your site @ URL: https://www.angelfire.com/or2/stephens/ and I can see that you have certainly done a lot of work.

I briefly read a bit of the autobiography of your ancestor,
where he relates the founding of the 'Orange Order' in the
early nineteenth century in his area of N. Ireland. Very interesting.

Incidentally, my great-grandfather was a priest in the Church of Ireland, at Belfast. His daughter, my grandmother, later converted to Roman Catholicism.

I liked your presentation of photos & also the recipes.

Suggestion; Why don't you add a BLOG [similiar to the
one that we are on now], so that visitors may leave their impressions of your site?

This particular Angelfire Blog is primarily used for
members, who are seeking solutions to problems, encountered with building and maintaining their Angelfire sites.

Keep up the good work!

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