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Thursday, 6 July 2006
Show "last updated" when web pages are updated.
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: HTML Questions
Anyone know the code to show "last updated" on our angelfire pages? I know there is a way to do it because they use the include on our blogs. I just need the code to integrate it into my regular web pages.

Posted by Daymon at 3:05 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post

Thursday, 6 July 2006 - 11:05 PM EDT

Name: md/jdfaq

try this if it doeasn't work let me know, put ot anywhere on the page
var dateMod = "" ;dateMod = document.lastModified ;document.write("Last Updated: "); document.write(dateMod); document.write();

Saturday, 8 July 2006 - 11:08 AM EDT

Name: al4/cheapest-service

Hi, thank you for the script. It does show the date correctly, the only problem is it shows the current date and time and refreshes each time the page is reloaded. Well, at least the time updates to the current time. I'll leave it on my test page to see if it updates tomorrow.

Nice script, but if at all possible I would like to be able to to this server side. That way whenever I make changes on my pages, the "last updated" will update automaticly. I wish Angelfire had ASP :(

I did look for a CGI script that did this but the search engines seem coonfused and just want to show me pages with the phrase "last updated" on the page, or any kind of script with the same phrase somewhere on the page.

Sunday, 9 July 2006 - 7:01 PM EDT

Name: dalleh

ok, where is the test page, to see if it is showing my system time or the update time.

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