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Monday, 8 May 2006
Site Redesign: How To FTP GoLive Files to Angelfire
Hi All!

We have a basic website up and running on Angelfire, but are ready for an upgrade! We have redesigned our site from the ground up using Adobe GoLive. Can any of you give us information on how to FTP the new site up to the Angelfire servers?

Thanks for any assistance you can offer! Sue

Posted by planet/lucillegomes at 2:56 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 4:53 PM EDT

Name: mamagoo

PLEASE NOTE: that any files that are in your directory now with the same file names will be overwritten
so if you have an index.html there now you will overwrite it with your new file.
so you may want to move or save your excisiting site before you upload your new site.

I'm Not familiar with adobe Golive but, does it have ftp ability to publish to the web option? if it does then for the server name you use:
then for password it would be your Af name and password.

a good free ftp application can be downloaded here:

If ftp is problem you could just upload all your files right from the AF Webshell....using the upload option there.

Or if you want to try ftp for sure and your on a Windows machine and you use Internet explorer and the IE settinge for ftp are enabled, you can us the built in ftp that IE has. I use it all the time.

open IE and type this into the address field:
a log-in window should come up for your AF username and password. then a window will come up and this will be your AF directory.
treat that window like you do any folder on your computer.
then open the folder where all your page files are stored on your computer, and drag your page files into the ftp directory folder.....
if your files are large and your on dial-up connection, it may take awhile to upload, so you may want to do a few at a time.

any problems post back, or just use the AF Web shell directory to upload your files.

also, If you have special folders that GoLive saved your images too on your computer, then you will have to create a new dierctory/folder in the web shell named exactly like the one that golive stored the images to on your computer

such as 'images' folder you would need to create a new directory in your Webshell named images then upload all the 'files that are in' that images folder on your computer to their new home in the webshell folder that is named images.
you need to do this with any special folders that GoLive created for you in order for your pages to work correctly once they are in your Web Shell directory.

good luck

Monday, 8 May 2006 - 5:15 PM EDT

Name: mamagoo again

is this in your version of GoLive?

I just found this tutorial at WebMonkey for GoLive:

it says that you have publishing option:
[The Upload to Server button in the toolbar will start transferring all of your files, or you can drag individual files from the left pane of the Site Window onto the right pane.]

okay? so for server name you would use:

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