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Friday, 17 March 2006
AF signups & posts to blog
hi --

from what i read it seems like anyone who posts to an angelgire blog has to sign up with angelfire. I think it discourages posting & i think it sucks. it is also overlengthuy & tedious/

What to so? suggestions please
thanks lucky

My blog is at http://www.Pajamaministry.com

Posted by hi5/unite at 5:41 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 18 March 2006 - 1:02 AM EST

Name: al4/cheapest-service
Home Page: http://www.cheapest-service.com

I think paid members should have an option as to whether visitors have to sign up to post. As far as free hosting, you get what you pay for.

Saturday, 18 March 2006 - 1:19 AM EST

Name: dalleh

membership gives the owner of the blog control, when it comes to spam, and other things that happens on blogs or guestbooks. they can add comments without membership.

Sunday, 19 March 2006 - 9:30 AM EST

Name: cw

There are 2 types of posts on an AF blog- entries and comments. If your blog is set up as a community blog, then posting an entry will require membership. But anyone can post a comment to an existing entry on a blog. You don't need to sign up with AF to do that.

Sunday, 19 March 2006 - 4:38 PM EST

Name: jrp34

As far as community blogs are concerned, this limitation is not likely to change. (However, we will move from "Angelfire account" to any Lycos-property account, more or less. That will make it easier for Tripod blog users, also.) The trick is that a post that you make is "owned" by you and that needs a member account.

However, comments are not "owned" in this way and we don't require you to have an Angelfire account to post a comment.


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