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Tuesday, 28 February 2006
BG COLOR question
Mood:  irritated
Topic: HTML Questions
Hi again

I followed CW advice and cleaned up my Html, thanks again :-)

But now on my group page.. www.angelfire.com/planet/frugal/society/group.html

the background color will not show, I can't figure it out for the life of me :-(

Posted by planet/frugal at 11:33 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Tuesday, 28 February 2006 - 12:12 PM EST

Name: cw

just a simple typo- a missing quote at the end of the color hex number

<body bgcolor="#993333 ....etc.>

should be

<body bgcolor="#993333" ....etc.>

Wednesday, 22 December 2021 - 3:20 AM EST

Name: "https://vidmate.onl/"
Home Page: http://https://vidmate.onl/

nks for sharing the article, and more importantly, your personal experience mindfully using our emotions as data about our inner state and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story since I can certainly relate and I think others can to

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