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Wednesday, 25 January 2006
front page question
In frontpage, can I make my web site ,and still don't
have to upload? In a way it is doing web site simulation ?

Say ,I have a written page in MS WORD document format.
How can I make this written page displayed in the web site? How do I write it in HTML language? I did it once
before,and I just don't remember how to do it any more.
Please help.

Posted by blog/clindex at 4:17 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Thursday, 26 January 2006 - 12:34 PM EST

Name: dalleh

front page:
click on file and select new, to start build your site

MS word click on File Save as a web page
upload all files that goes with the page when it is saved, one of them a html file

Thursday, 26 January 2006 - 2:23 PM EST

Name: cw

Be careful when using MS Word to produce web pages. It doesn't write standard web html and may contain bloated code much of which will not be understood by browsers. The bloated code will require more time to download and may not load in all browsers.

Word is meant for desktop publishing and that is it's best use. A lot of the extra code is instructions for printing on Windows. If you want a web friendly page that is only going to be viewed in a browser then use a true web page builder.

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