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Wednesday, 31 August 2005

Mood:  quizzical
I have a website that was built and edited numerous times on angelfire. My site is hosted by web.com but this web hoting company is very difficult to use. What I would like to do is somehow have my site transferred to angelfire for them to host. Can someone tell me if this is possible? I need to keep my current hosting name because of current customer base. Appreciate any info on this.

Posted by co4/waterfree0 at 12:28 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 31 August 2005 - 12:45 PM EDT

Name: cw

Is your current hosting name a domain name? If so, do you own it outright or was it purchased for you through web.com (meaning web.com really owns it and just lets you use it- this is often the case when a domain name comes *free* with a paid hosting plan)?

If you own the domain name outright then you should be able to move your site to AF and point the domain name to it. If web.com owns the name they may allow you to purchase it. You may need to pay additional fees to forward the domain name to AF. Best place to find out those answers would be by contacting web.com.

Wednesday, 31 August 2005 - 3:14 PM EDT

Name: hero/jeb2004

go to this link directly and it tells you all of how to move your things to angelfire


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