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Monday, 25 July 2005

Topic: HTML Questions
Anyone knows how to put a music to PHOTO ALBUM & also how to put the PHOTO ALBUM W/ music to the website!
Maholo from Lisa

Posted by fl5/lisalk00 at 6:20 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (6) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 25 July 2005 - 11:15 PM EDT

Name: mamagoo

You can't put music in a photo album page where the pictures are viewed but What you could do, Lisa, is but a small midi tune (not an mp3 or wma etc.. because those files are way, way. way to large for background music) put the midi tune on this page of yours:

and then make your clickable links there to your album pages have them open in a new window, using this html code

<a href="https://www.angelfire.com/fl5/lisalk00/galley"target=_"new">Memories from Yacht Club Galley</a>

that way there your continuous background midi will play as the new pages of your album are being viewed.....

here is code for background music and/or viewable player

also I have some nice mood music for you to choose from here if you care to check it out


if you need more help please post back

Tuesday, 26 July 2005 - 12:22 AM EDT

Name: mamagoo again

I forgot that the photo albums have advanced customization now, so if your confident with that, and you usderstand html and css codeing even just a little you could add music code to you album main page.

Edit the Album Page (main.btpl) BUT! you have to be careful with advanced customizatiom, Lisa. I would most surely try it on a test album page first! ok? because messing with customization should be understood completely before you try it..... don't mess up a good album, try it on a test one and get aquainted with the advanced options first....

if it's hidden background music without a player showing and it's set to autoplay 'true' then it should not be to hard to do because you could add it just after the <body> tag there in the main.btpl
and most diffinetly stick with small midi tunes if you do this..

ok, practice first I would not want you to mess up an album page doing this..

Tuesday, 26 July 2005 - 1:10 AM EDT

Name: mamagoo

Here is a test page I did to try it out,

but the thing is the song keeps re-loading on viewing each photo and it would take much more complicated advanced options to change that, if at all......

I did the code on two of the btpl's
the main.btpl and the image.btpl
image.btpl is when you click the picture to see it alone.

If the music code on the main page was removed on my test page there, then the image view page would only have the music and that might be okay, but every image in that album would have the same song, you could not change that....

oh well i just wanted to show you some ways it could be done.....

Tuesday, 26 July 2005 - 1:36 AM EDT

Name: mamagoo again and again....

oh and btw, about your question of getting the music to your site:

to get the music to your directory you would have to go to the web shell and upload a song to your main directory and then use this URL to show the path to the music file in that music code....


but change the song file there to the acutal name of your song file that you uploaded

Monday, 15 August 2005 - 6:03 PM EDT

Name: fl5/lisalk00

Thank you for all your help!!!

Monday, 24 October 2005 - 10:04 PM EDT

Name: fl5/lisalk00

Hi Mamagoo,
i used the "undersea" song on my album.html. Thank you and please visit my page. Thank you again.


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