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Friday, 1 July 2005
Mood:  blue
I just purchased the Argon plan from angelfire and started building a website (http://www.shubertcedar.com) The site is going good and all but I can't get rid of the ads when the site is viewed and the ads aren't in my source code. My acount says I need to upgrade to one of the elements but I already have and part of my acount information acknoledges this and other parts do not???

Posted by tx6/shubertcedar at 5:06 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 1:25 AM EDT

Name: tom


Firstly, I would suggest that you post your messages for general viewing, rather than for club members only.

Many visitors to Blog are not always logged in, so they won't see your message.

This Blog is monitored by the Angelfire Team, so you should
get a satisfactory response soon.

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 2:06 AM EDT

Name: dalleh

I notice you have three body tags, any ways try this login to the webshell, open the pages with the editor and save without changing any thing it might help,

make all your posts public not privet in this board, I cannot login, I cannot see privet posts.

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 7:45 AM EDT

Name: jrp34

Your account is currently "FREE" and I don't see any messages in the subscription log for you. Are you sure you upgraded the right account? What does your "MY ACCOUNT" tab show?


Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 11:41 AM EDT

Name: tx6/shubertcedar

It shows i'm subscribed to the free membership but I've been charged for the Argon plan. My account also shows that I have the domain http://www.shubertcedar.com and I got this domain while I was signing up for the argon plan

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - 12:36 PM EDT

Name: jrp34

I believe you, though I have no way to check the provisioning until Tuesday because of the long holiday. In the interim, I've temporarily upgraded your account to Krpton. You'll know it's fixed when it drops back down to Argon. :)

If there is another problem, I hope that someone from CS will be able to email you and work it out.


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