Mood: irritated
Topic: HTML Questions
I have several pages that I edit frequently. These pages are formatted, I.E. Months of the Year, so that I do not have to retype everything everytime. I position my page to edit with the area in the middle of my screen.
Problem 1: As soon as I am in the correct spot to add information, the screen goes to the green background losing where I want to do my editing.
Problem 2: When I do start to edit, the screen jumps to the bottom line in the edit area causing me to lose where I am and I am unable to "easily" move to the next line to add information. An example: I am adding bowling scores that were bowled last night. I enter the last name on one line, the first name on line 2, score bowled on line 3, date on line 4 and the bowling center on line 5. Whith this jumping around it slows me down and if I am not paying close attention, I will enter the new information in the wrong place.
The above example can be found on my webshell (il/beloitbowling)under the mhs.html directory. This is very annoying and very distracting when I have several different areas in the same directory that I am working on.