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Monday, 16 March 2009
viewing css on web shell
Mood:  a-ok

 Hi all,  

(RE: Angelfire Webshell)

If you have ever tried to view your css via the web shell it appears that it is not possible.  I keep a copy of my current css on my desktop and when I want to change it I just upload and re-write,  but this is hardly ideal.  I would like some way to view my css via my webshell,

any suggestions or short of changing suppliers, is it something I just have to live with ??  cheers in advance.


<a href="http://www.acornsuperlinks.com">Link Building Specialists</a>


Posted by acornsuperlinks at 11:38 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 16 March 2009 - 2:31 PM EDT

Name: "cw"

css files should be editable from your webshell. I just tried at my own account and had no problem. What browser are you using?

Monday, 16 March 2009 - 9:39 PM EDT

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

What you are doing is the best way to do it, you always have a fresh backup to the files

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