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Topic: News
Howdy, Angelfire Members.
Some of you have expressed concern that your Angelfire account is going away. That's not the case at all. Angelfire, Tripod and Lycos are NOT shutting down. Your free/paid sites are fine.
It's Lycos UK/Tripod UK that have announced their shutdown. The UK company licensed the Lycos/Tripod name and some technology years ago, but has NOTHING to do with the original/core Lycos/Tripod/Angelfire that we run here in snowy Waltham, MA, USA.
(Yeah, I know it sounds a bit strange...just think of it like those step-cousins who share the same last name, but that you never talk to, and have no idea what they're up to.)
The news media picked up on the Lycos UK/Tripod UK press release, and didn't do their fact-checking about the relation, or lack thereof, with the original/core Lycos/Tripod/Angelfire.
So, again, Angelfire, Tripod and Lycos aren't going anywhere. In fact, the team and I are working hard to get out some exciting new features and upgrades. We're in Alpha testing now, and should have something for you to see in late Feb./early March. Ditto for Lycos Domains, and the domains you may have bought through Tripod or Angelfire. All's fine there, new stuff coming soon.
If you happen to have a site on Tripod UK that's getting shutdown, feel free to FTP-down your contents from that site, save them to your desktop, and then upload them to your Angelfire or site here. While we don't necessarily support all of the same technologies as the UK version currently, just sit tight.
Thanks for your ongoing support of Angelfire, Tripod and Lycos here in the USA (and globally across the World Wide Web). We've been around a long time, thanks to you, and we intend to be around for a lot longer.
Jamie Riehle,
Director of Product Infrastructure/Tripod/Angelfire
Lycos, Inc.