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Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Angelfire will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade maintenance tonight.
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: News
We would like to let all of you know that Angelfire will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade maintenance tonight.

All aspects of the Angelfire web site, including tools, member pages, and hosted sites will be unavailable for approximately 12 hours, starting shortly after midnight (EST) and ending around 6 AM (EST) on Wednesday, November 12.

This includes http://club.angelfire.com.

Please come back after that time to view, access, or edit any web pages.

Thank you for your understanding, and your ongoing use of Angelfire.


The Angelfire Team

Posted by blog/community at 2:38 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink | Share This Post

Wednesday, 12 November 2008 - 8:01 AM EST

Name: "Bill"
Home Page: http://club.angelfire.com

Hi folks,

By the way, my math was super bad in that last post...it should have been 6 hours, not 12.  I never was really any good at math...

Everything looks to be back up and running.  Please let us know if you experience anything out of the normal and thanks for your understanding during this outage.


Tuesday, 23 April 2019 - 2:44 AM EDT

Name: "remember passwords in egde"
Home Page: http://windowstuts.net/remember-passwords

How can manage saved passwords in microsoft edge,that is very simplenow try to this simple tips and forward this visit to all users.

Wednesday, 14 August 2024 - 10:36 PM EDT

Name: "pnstudy"
Home Page: http://www.pnstudy.com/

Due to academic pressure or other special circumstances, students sometimes find it difficult to submit assignments assigned by their schools at specific times, or they may struggle to handle a particular assignment based on their abilities. In such cases, students can seek help from professional assignment writing services. The writing services provided by professional assignment writing agencies cover various types of papers, including essays, coursework reports, group reports, etc. These services encompass various fields such as mathematics, law, finance, accounting, business, statistics, computer science, and more.

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