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Monday, 3 November 2008
How to contact tech support

Anyone know how to contact tech support (or anyone for that matter) at Angelfire.com???

I'm a premium member. The chat room never seems to be live. Googling "angelfire" or variants produces nothing relevant. WhoIs has nothing but generic Lycos information. Wikipedia is, well, wikipedia. Clearly Lycos doesn't want to be bothered.


Posted by Kenn Gividen at 1:19 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (18) | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 3 November 2008 - 4:34 AM EST

Name: "anonymous"

Simply open a Support Ticket @ URL: http://help.lycos.com/



Tuesday, 4 November 2008 - 4:35 PM EST

Name: "Bill"
Home Page: http://help.lycos.com


You can contact Lycos Customer Service by going to the support site at http://help.lycos.com and submitting a support ticket.  That is your best method to direct your question exactly where it needs to go as Tom has already mentioned.

For a more general queue, you can email Lycos Customer Service at support@support.lycos.com.  It will get routed properly.

The Live Chat link is available to you Monday through Friday, from 9 - 5 Eastern Standard Time.  The Live Chat is for premium members only.

Hope that helps!


Thursday, 6 November 2008 - 7:34 AM EST

Name: nflbl
Home Page: http://www.nflbl.com

I wish I knew where to tell you to go... help/support at Angelfire is horrendous... I have left at least 5 support tickets regarding their form emailer and have yet to get anything back other than the obligatory "we got your ticket and will respond back in x number of days"... unfortunately, they never DO get back to you... I've also tried to do the live chat thing and even when it IS 'open' it always tells me no one is available... it's ridiculous... their FAQs are useless... some of the other comments to your post look like they were left by Angelfire teling you to do open a ticket or go to online support... what a joke...

Thursday, 6 November 2008 - 9:08 PM EST

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

What do you want know about the form? 

Saturday, 8 November 2008 - 12:57 AM EST

Name: giftshop4eva
Home Page: http://giftshop4eva.angelfire.com

You can view my website when it is up.  Ciao and adios! Lots of catalogues with different items on sale from$0.50 cents to $40.  EG hair clips, photo cards, buttons as memberships, lots more. Enjoy! 

Saturday, 8 November 2008 - 4:02 PM EST

Name: nflbl
Home Page: http://www.nflbl.com

I want to be able to take info from a form and send t to the appropriate person. Angelfire had an email form handler that I used a few times back in September when I signed on. However, forms I submitted successfully back then, haven't worked since mid-september. I've sent a number of "support tickets", tried many times on the live chat, and placed the question here, as well. I have received ZERO help from angelfire. Only the generic "we received your tciket and will get bakc to you within 72 hours". In a month and a half, I've haven't gotten ANY help. Can you help? 

Saturday, 8 November 2008 - 9:56 PM EST

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://club.angelfire.com/index.blog/1338031/simple-que

Go to this post, 


where angelfire staff answered the question.

Sunday, 9 November 2008 - 8:31 AM EST

Name: nflbl
Home Page: http://www.nflbl.com

I copied this FORM from the blog thread you recommended... here it is as submitted by me... I changed the "end_display" value and the "email_to" value for obvious reasons... I modified the FORM to remove "order" as an input type to "visitor_name" to match the name above... this was in response to the comment from "anonymous"...

<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/script_library/form_handler_mail" METHOD="POST">
    What's your name?
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="visitor_name"><BR>
    What's your e-mail address?<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="email">
<!--    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="end_display" VALUE="https://www.angelfire.com/scifi/artbyjohn/Page99.html"> -->
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="end_display" VALUE="https://www.angelfire.com/nflbl/index.html">   
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="required" VALUE="email">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="email_to" VALUE="chuckd248@optonline.net">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="visitor_name" VALUE="visitor_name,email">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">

It doesn't work... no matter what value I include in the "email_to" field... I used several email accounts in trying it out including my ISP's (Cablevision) email account as well as Yahoo mail and gmail... NONE of them work...

Here is the error page I receive each time I try to submit the above FORM...

We can only accept forms that come from a Angelfire URL. Sorry!

It is frustrating as hell... am I doing something wrong here???... am I missing something I'm not seeing???...

Sunday, 9 November 2008 - 11:26 AM EST

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

the order command has to be there try one of these

<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/script_library/form_handler_mail" METHOD="POST">
    What's your name?
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="visitor_name"><BR>
    What's your e-mail address?<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="email">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="end_display" VALUE="http://nflbl.angelfire.com/">  
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="required" VALUE="email">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="email_to" VALUE="chuckd248@optonline.net">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="visitor_name,email">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">

also try it this way

<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/script_library/form_handler_mail" METHOD="POST">
    What's your name?
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="visitor_name"><BR>
    What's your e-mail address?<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="email">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="end_display" VALUE="http://www.nflbl.com">  
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="required" VALUE="email">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="email_to" VALUE="chuckd248@optonline.net">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="visitor_name,email">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">

let me know.


your angelfire address is 


Sunday, 9 November 2008 - 12:11 PM EST

Name: nflbl
Home Page: http://www.nflbl.com

I tried it both ways... still getting the same 'oops' message... is there something that perhaps I need OUTSIDE the form???... here is my entire HTML page in which I use the form...

<!-- --------------------------------- -->

<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/script_library/form_handler_mail" METHOD="POST">
    What's your name?
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="visitor_name"><BR>
    What's your e-mail address?<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="email">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="end_display" VALUE="http://www.nflbl.com">  
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="required" VALUE="email">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="email_to" VALUE="chuckd248@optonline.net">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE="visitor_name,email">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">

<!-- --------------------------------- -->

Should there be more around the catual form that I'm not including???..

Sunday, 9 November 2008 - 5:31 PM EST

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq/mailform.html

Ok all what I did is used my email address try it


Sunday, 9 November 2008 - 8:40 PM EST

Name: nflbl
Home Page: http://www.nflbl.com

It works!!...

It didn't at first but this whole time I had been trying to get it to work through Webshell edit mode using the 'Preview'... since I'm new to all this I'm guessing I shouldn't have been doing it that way... when I created the HTML page and reference it from within the browser it worked and sent me the email...

Thanks a lot for your help. man, I really appreciate it... 

Monday, 10 November 2008 - 1:36 AM EST

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

you are welcome, yep always save then preview.

Monday, 10 November 2008 - 4:14 PM EST

Name: nflbl
Home Page: http://www.nflbl.com

Do you know if there's any documentation on the form_handler_mail???... like which values are mandatory to pass to it, which can be changed or added???... I was wondering if I could change things like the subject of the email, etc...

Monday, 10 November 2008 - 7:55 PM EST

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.lycos.com/build/scriptlib/form.tmp

you have to have all the hidden inputs in the form just change the values. you need to add all the input values in the order input value

(<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="order" VALUE=)

you can add a box for the subject the same way you add the name and e-mail.

login to angelfire and go here


there is link to an example for a complex form at the bottom.

Monday, 10 November 2008 - 9:05 PM EST

Name: nflbl
Home Page: http://www.nflbl.com

I'm not using the form mailer with 'boxes' as in the example... here's what I have... I have an HTML page called verify.html... I get to verify.html from a previous page which passes 6 values to it... I read these 6 values into the page via javascript... I massage some of the values and use the javascript variables to populate the email form... most of it works just fine, however the form only seems to allow values to be placed in what will be the the body of the email (using the "order" field)... when I try to pass a variable (containing a valid email address) into the "email_to" field, it does not work (I also tried this using multiple emails but that didn't work either)... it submits the form and seems like it works but the email(s) never arrive... the only way I CAN get the thing to actually send an email is if I hard-code an email address (or multiple email addresses separated by a comma) into the "email_to" field... I CAN pass all values, including the email addresses, to the "order" field and they show up in the body of the email... I was also hoping to create a more appropriate subject for the emails and tried creating an input field called "subject" but that doesn't work either... I looked at what you suggested here and I had actually seen that already.. unfortunately, it doesn't help me with what I want to do... I was hoping maybe there was another place with more definitive documentation about what you can pass to the form handler and how you can manipulate it to get it to do what you want...  

Monday, 10 November 2008 - 9:06 PM EST

Name: "JP"

Test comment. Sorry!

Monday, 10 November 2008 - 9:57 PM EST

Name: md/jdfaq
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/md/jdfaq

"email_to" is a hidden input, it doesn't change by a command. 

There are no documentation other than the on with the form. there is link there leads to webmonkey, try that you may find what you need.

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