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Sunday, 29 July 2007
Paid site shows as free
Mood:  irritated
my website www.angelfire.com/mn/nn/ was 50meg free site when I changed it to paid site in 2005. They charged my credit card the monthly fee in July but now it shows as a free site at 20meg and I can't edit anything, only delete stuff as it is at 49.9meg and my member info shows 4 different credit card numbers available for them to bill my "free" site to. nobody there on weekends, i guess. hope they answer my angelfire form on monday. I tried to check to see if someone else had gotten in and changed my password but it only shows the current password with no way to change it, is changing password only available on paid sites? the "change password" link is gone. I opened another free angelfire account and moved some of my stuff to the new site to free up space on /mn/nn/ but it didn't help. maybe now angelfire.com has confused the new free website account with my paid one and thinks they are both free sites? and why didn't it default to 50meg free site which it was when i changed it to a paid site? very frustrating since my site hit 1500 hits on friday, a record, and now i can't update the pages

Posted by mn/nn at 8:03 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (9) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 29 July 2007 - 8:19 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous"
Home Page: http://help.lycos.com/faq.php?categoryid=12

don't do anything to the page, nobody there on weekends, look at your credit card account stament for a phone number or open a ticket over here


Monday, 30 July 2007 - 1:02 PM EDT

Name: "billlaidlaw"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/mn/nn/Monstervision.html

Thanks for the idea, it's 12:30pm EST and my account still shows as a Free account, over quota. If that doesn't change soon or they answer my ticket, i'll call that phone number to raise ned

Monday, 30 July 2007 - 11:59 PM EDT

Name: angel.fire
Home Page: http://angel.fire.angelfire.com/index.html

mn/nn/ still shows as free and still can't do anything but delete. I deleted a few megs of audio but didn't help. Other than annoy visitors to my now-quiet website:(

Moved my Monstervision homepage to on www.angelfire.com/angel.fire/

Tuesday, 31 July 2007 - 11:40 AM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

make the call.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007 - 2:47 PM EDT

Name: network
Home Page: http://network.angelfire.com

Lycos-Angelfire charged $2 to my credit card on 7-28 for an unknown reason. The phone number listed on my credit card bill is 781-370-3456 but when you call it, a recording says Lycos no longer accepts phone calls and to use there email form instead (which I have several times). What is the $2 for? No one answers email in any way. No one answers the forms in any way. Is anyone there? How many people is Lycos making unauthorized charges to? Why was my paid website changed to a free one on the same day? Hello?

I will delete the most popular pages at


to try and bring down the bandwidth usage as it isn't much at "Free" status.

Friday, 3 August 2007 - 9:03 PM EDT

Name: nm/m
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/nm/m

Me again, of the formerly paid site /mn/nn/

Since I can't login to that one and do anything but delete, I am moving stuff to my old free angelfire site at nm/m until I get below 20meg so I can edit and update there again. Slow going. Google has cataloged over 1000 pages at mn/nn. It's amazing how much you can create since 1999 at one site. It was over 60meg and so far I've deleted enough pages to get down to 23 megs. The end is in sight. It will be interesting creating all those pages I'm deleting. Not a word from angelfire or lycos from my email form tickets. Page size of pages I'm deleting now is under 20k each so that's a lot of pages to go yet. I see even more complaints about lycos billing over at club.tripod.com

Apparently their previous Manager left a couple of months ago.

Bill Laidlaw

Saturday, 4 August 2007 - 12:04 AM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

wait don't delete anything, i sent a note to angelfire.

Saturday, 11 August 2007 - 4:48 PM EDT

Name: mn/nn
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/mn/nn

I think they put your note where they put all the unanswered Support Tickets

Friday, 24 August 2007 - 2:42 PM EDT

Name: "Charles Ward"
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/la/cajunmusic

I've been trying to get the admin login to my page fixed for 3 months now, they won't even answer my tickest.

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