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Saturday, 16 September 2006
ads on my site???
Okay, I have had my website on angelfire for a year now under the Xenon plan. Today I was viewing a slideshow on my site and then went to my index page and there are now ads on every single page. It had to have happened in the last half hour. My domain is still working, so I don't understand. I am a photographer and need to upload proof galleries for my customer, but now i CAN'T becuase I am well over the 20MB given for a free account. Why did this happen on a Saturday when there is no one to contact? Does anyone else have trouble getting live support during the week when they are supposed to be open?

I am logged in under my other friends account, which I help her manage from time to time, because I can't even access the blog with my "FREE" account that I pay for. What's going on? Did this happen to anyone else? I can't wait until Monday to talk to someone and hope that live support is actually online!



Posted by ne2/vivsphotography at 2:46 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post

Saturday, 16 September 2006 - 6:53 PM EDT

Name: Wolfie001
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/poetry/northpoint

It didn't happen to me, but I have a free account so I really don't count, but I thought it might help for you to know someone's there. Anyway, all I can say is to wait 'till Monday because none of us are affiliated with Angelfire, except for the fact that we have accounts on them. Hope it helps. Wolfie.

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