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Wednesday, 8 March 2006
having trouble getting another account
Mood:  irritated
Topic: HTML Questions

i go to signup choose crazy/mind

fill everything out after i put in 6 digit number and accept i get an error Greetings! If you landed here, you probably accidentally requested a page which has changed or no longer exists. But don't fret; the solution is simple:
Go to the "log in" page.

Then click your browser reload button.
If you land here several times and nothing is working, click here. in the past and last year i always use my hotmail account to get a new account don't know why this is happening to me today

Posted by tn2/welcome at 11:54 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (8) | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Wednesday, 8 March 2006 12:08 PM EST

Wednesday, 8 March 2006 - 12:46 PM EST

Name: mamagoo

I don't think it's using your hotmail that is causing it.

make sure your logged out of your account, clean your browsers cache files and cookies. close your browser and re-open and go to sign-up page again.

see if that works

Wednesday, 8 March 2006 - 12:50 PM EST

i don't think that's it cause i just went on another computer did same thing

Wednesday, 8 March 2006 - 12:55 PM EST

i do have firewall install cause i got new computer xp for xmas surely that isn't the problem

Wednesday, 8 March 2006 - 1:57 PM EST

so i just did this still mess up where is cw or dalleh where you need them?

Wednesday, 8 March 2006 - 3:15 PM EST

Name: dalleh

make sure to logout from the old account. then try. also don't use the some e-mail address of the old account.

Wednesday, 8 March 2006 - 6:55 PM EST

heck i even try to put in my yahoo account giving me same problem goes to https://ldbreg.lycos.com/cgi-bin/mayaRegister got a guy with a hat

got 2 links http://www.gamesville.com/cgi-bin/login-print


why is it redirecting to this site?

Wednesday, 8 March 2006 - 10:01 PM EST

Name: dalleh

do you have a dsl or cable connection

Thursday, 9 March 2006 - 2:54 AM EST

nah its good i just didn't see this part Please use only letters, numbers and hyphens.so after minds added a nummber in then i could get my account working.

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