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Friday, 1 October 2010
Green Background
Mood:  irritated
Topic: HTML Questions

I have several pages that I edit frequently. These pages are formatted, I.E. Months of the Year, so that I do not have to retype everything everytime. I position my page to edit with the area in the middle of my screen.

Problem 1: As soon as I am in the correct spot to add information, the screen goes to the green background losing where I want to do my editing.

Problem 2: When I do start to edit, the screen jumps to the bottom line in the edit area causing me to lose where I am and I am unable to "easily" move to the next line to add information. An example: I am adding bowling scores that were bowled last night. I enter the last name on one line, the first name on line 2, score bowled on line 3, date on line 4 and the bowling center on line 5. Whith this jumping around it slows me down and if I am not paying close attention, I will enter the new information in the wrong place.

The above example can be found on my webshell (il/beloitbowling)under the mhs.html directory. This is very annoying and very distracting when I have several different areas in the same directory that I am working on.

Posted by il/beloitbowling at 11:30 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink | Share This Post

Friday, 1 October 2010 - 12:10 PM EDT

Name: "Scott"

Hi there,

It sounds like this is an issue for the support-ticket system.


You can basically just copy and paste what you posted here into the description block of the ticket.  This way you'll be sure that the issue actually gets to the support team and is put into the que of updates that happen with this site.

Posting issues like this in the club doesn't always guarantee that someone from support will end up seeing the problem.

Thursday, 21 October 2010 - 8:20 PM EDT

Name: "howdiie"
Home Page: http://htp://howdiie.com

I have the same problem with the sceren jumping down to the bottom of the screen when I edit so that I cannot see what is below- sometimes I m copying hat is below and when I review the changes the page does not come back to where I was editing as it did before.

Have posted a question to lycos but say they do not have the same problem when testing in my webshell. 

Has your problem been fixed.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021 - 3:45 AM EDT

Name: "Murazik"
Home Page: http://kabosucoin.net/

 Thanks for sharing such great information, I highly appreciate your hard-working skills as the post you published have some great information which is quite beneficial for me, I hope you will post more like that in the future

Thursday, 9 September 2021 - 2:21 AM EDT

Name: "Jason"
Home Page: http://https://mega.porn/it/p

This angelfire platform has been popular to the digital marketer as well as many web developer professionals across the world. Many business owners want to have their commercial business websites for online presences with their existing services. I have been working as a senior marketing expert and Sometimes, I need to know some basic html and other web development tips for my knowledge and skills. Thanks for sharing this post with us!

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