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Friday, 28 July 2006
CGI Resources
OK, I am trying this post one more time. For anyone who would like to do something a little more interesting with their Angelfire pages, I found this "online book" for beginners interested in learning PERL. Thought it was worth a mention and even if you don't know CGI you can get a few tips here:
Thursday, 27 July 2006
Web Rings and Guest Books
not sure
Now Playing:
Topic: News
I'm a new Angelfire member and needed help on a few questions, so that I'm sure to be in compliance with Angelfire's rules, regulations and terms of service. Are Angelfire page members allowed to put their pages on a "Webring" and provide "Guestbooks" for visitors.
Since "rings" and "books" mean posting codes from other sources, does Angelfire not allow it?
My experiences with other service, they didn't allow such "outside" code or "directing" of web traffic.
Thanks for your help. I've searched though the help and terms section, but I can't find anything on these subjects. I'm sure its there, I'm just not looking in the right place.
Thanks for helping me out.
Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Hello, i just made a web page named: copy_grant.html However, it seems the banner, image and the text not are align..can you check for me? Thank you again.
Sunday, 23 July 2006
Is This Site Useful ?
Please take the time to feedback your comments on this site.
1. What do you view most?
(a) Family History
(b) Shoe Box Photos
(c) Cindy's Favorite Recipes
(d) Family Birthdays
(e) All of the above
2. How often do you view the site?
3. What do you NOT like about the site?
4. What suggestions would you have to improve this site?
Friday, 21 July 2006
please help im new to this
Topic: HTML Questions
i did my first page with web shell i saved my work now how do i get it to show up on my site
connecting main site with blog
not sure
Topic: HTML Questions
is there a way to have my blog on my main angelfire page or a link to make it the second page. another words is a way for one to view my blog from the main page? does that make sense? I'm a little tired and finding it hard to put into words exactly what i want.
thanks for the help
Thursday, 20 July 2006
i am sending e-mail from Outlook (Lisa's Website)
Errors message came out:
! Task' reported error (0x800ccc0f): The connection to the Server was interrupted.
i think i am missing some steps!
Thank you again for your help!
Wednesday, 19 July 2006
First CGI post
Ok, so I get to make the first post in the CGI section :) Anyway, I found this online book for PERL beginners and thought I would share the link for any of you who may be interested in doing something a little more dynamic with your web pages.
Tuesday, 18 July 2006
I want to use the Angelfire Ramdon Content on to my website. I tried but it didn't work. Please explain how I can make it work. Thank you in advance!
Monday, 17 July 2006
Updating my account from free to Argon
on fire
Topic: News
I upgraded from FREE to Argon over a week ago. According to my account I'm still under the FREE account. Angelfire/Lycos has taken the money out my checking account... it's all been paid for, but I still don't have my domain registered or anything. Anyone else have this problem when they upgraded? I filled out an open question form twice. Once after 72 hours and another after 120 hours. WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG?
Thursday, 13 July 2006
New Angelfire blog category
Topic: HTML Questions
Who would like to see a new category added to this blog for CGI? I for one would make great use of this topic. This would give those of us who make use of Angelfire CGI a chance to discuss how we use it, what works, what doesn't, share code and many other things. Maybe if this thread gets a good response, the Angelfire staff will consider adding this to the blog topics for us. I would LOVE that. What are your thoughts?
Tuesday, 11 July 2006
Ads and Frontpage
not sure
Topic: FrontPage
I've been given a complete website that I have edited and uploaded to Angelfire through Frontpage. My problem is that the tile banner (and on some other computers the menu on the left hand side) shows up as ads. There are some ads above the top title banner (where I assume they should be), but they are cut off halfway and then repeated just below, where the title should be.
I'm new to Angelfire and to Frontpage and would appreciate any explanation of what is going on and how to fix it!
Many thanks.
Monday, 10 July 2006
I have a new website with my son. We set it up as a free website. Yesterday afternoon we signed up for the Neon level. Our page still has the ads running on it and when we log into the account detail, it still says free. But when we log to payment information etc. it says we have the Neon level and our payment information is on there.
our site is
Can you clarify?
Thursday, 6 July 2006
Show "last updated" when web pages are updated.
Topic: HTML Questions
Anyone know the code to show "last updated" on our angelfire pages? I know there is a way to do it because they use the include on our blogs. I just need the code to integrate it into my regular web pages.
Sunday, 2 July 2006
adding pictures and using paypal
Topic: Image Questions
I was wanting to start selling stuff on my web site but I'm not sure how to add pictures of the items and and a pay pal add to cart button to each single item..Please help...And woud I need to upgrade to a paid web site??Heather
Saturday, 1 July 2006
Now Playing: Angelfire Upgrade
I just paid for the premium site so that I could get a free dot com but the dot com they gave me links to Tripod.Com. I don't want to build with Tripod, I want the dot com to link to my angelfire site. How do I do that? Anyone...
Thursday, 29 June 2006
Aloha and Mahalo.
Do you think i can change some pages or ways that my website is posted. Beacuse it seems i have plenty of Bandwidth, but my Disk Space is getting filled up.
Does anyone know: tip-of-the-day or daily wisdom scripts or website that i can use on my website?
Thank you very much.
Page Anchors
Topic: HTML Questions
OK I've tried two different codes here on my angelfire site for page anchors. I have pages that are really long (filled with short story series) and I'd like to give my readers the option of jumping to the episode they want to read. However every time I try to put an anchor the link does not take you to the indicated spot, but instead to my homepage.
Does angelfire not allow this code?
Tuesday, 27 June 2006
Blog Directory
Is there a directory of just Angelfire blogs? It would make it so much easier to find and interact with other Angelfire blogs of the same interest. If there isn't one, post your blog here and I will create a directory. Someone has to do it. If anyone has an interest in personal finance feel free to start blogging with me here:
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