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Sunday, 26 February 2006
CGI Code
Mood:  irritated
CGI code not working on paid domain name accounts.

I have had the same problem and Mike said it was a code issue on their end. I have tried everything I can think of to make mine work.

I have a random cgi code that inserts random quotes on my index page works just fine on my free account.

But when you go to my domain name


there is an error saying the random directory can't be found.

It is very frustrating!

I hope this is fixec soon as well.

Posted by planet/frugal at 7:09 AM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (10) | Permalink | Share This Post

Sunday, 26 February 2006 - 11:52 AM EST

Name: cw
Home Page: http://www.codelifter.com/main/javascript/randomquote.s

First try using the absolute path to your cgi bin. If that doesn't work then you might want to try replacing the cgi script with one that uses javascript. Link to one such script is above.

OT- you need to validate your html. You have multiple head, body and title tags. Each html doc should only have one of each. Errors like these can cause display problems for some visitors. Duplicate title tags may also hurt you in search engines. They may be seen as search engine spamming. Also your meta ketword tag is duplicated and both are inserted into one of your html bodies. Meta tags belong in the head section. There should only be one meta keyword tag.

Monday, 27 February 2006 - 12:13 AM EST

Name: al4/cheapest-service

As discussed in other threads on this blog, the CGI will not work at all CW. Javascript is junk and should be used very very sparingly. It's heavy code and terribly buggy and makes it hard for search engines to decide what you page is about if you use to much of it.

Monday, 27 February 2006 - 4:04 AM EST

Name: cw

FWIW- for random quotes JS should work fine. If worried about heavy script- it can be added as an external js file. I've never read anywhere that JS confuses search engines. Search engine spiders as text readers can't read JS so ignore it. This is the main reason it should not be relied on for navigation as links may not be followed for indexing. Could that be what you were thinking?

Monday, 27 February 2006 - 4:11 AM EST

Name: Dawn
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/planet/frugal/index.html

Thanks so much, I don't know anything about writing any code. Could you look at my site again and tell me if that is better?

Monday, 27 February 2006 - 11:33 AM EST

Name: cw

HTML looks much better :). Just about perfect on quick look. I'd suggest cutting down what's entered in your title tag to something shorter and more descriptive and that also includes keywords that are relevant to the page itself. Most search engines (SE) only include the first 60-120 characters of the title. I'm not sure what an SE would make of a long title like yours but it might be considered spamming for the sake of better page rank. That might get you tossed out of an SE. I would cut down on the title to only what can be displayed at the top of a browser window.

What you've entered as a title looks more like meta keywords. You could move the excess to the <meta NAME="keywords" CONTENT="..."> tag. But also remember that search engines like google ignore meta keywords these days. Many SEs now like to pick their own keywords for indexing which helps make search returns more relevant. Keywords for indexing your site are chosen from text that actually appears in your page text content, the (shorter) title and image alt tags. If you want a particular keyword picked up then use it in your page text content and/or include it in your image alt tags. The alt tags are a good place to add commonly mispelled words that will be indexed and returned in searches by bad spellers or poor typists like me.

Your quotes are showing up at both your domain name and AF URLs. You can add more quotes by extending the list with more numbered lines if you wish. for example
Quotation[10] = "another quote";
Quotation[11] = "some other quote";

Nice site. You have some interesting info there :)

Monday, 27 February 2006 - 1:45 PM EST

Name: cw
Home Page: https://www.angelfire.com/folk/dollhouseprintables/quote

al4 made a valid point about scripting leading to heavy page code. Adding more quotes can add that kind of bulk to a page and slow download and display. A way to overcome that somewhat is to add the script as an external file written in plain text (.txt) in Notepad then saved with the .js extension and uploaded. This will also make editting the quotes a little easier as only the js file need be editted to add addditional quotes.

An example of the quote script used as an external file which I named quotes.js is at the link above. It is simply referenced in the usual script tag as src="quotes.js". Where you want random quotes to appear you would add this to the appropriate spot on your page....

<script language="JavaScript" src="quotes.js"></script>

The actual quotes.js file can be viewed at the URL below.

hope that helps

Monday, 27 February 2006 - 3:56 PM EST

Name: al4/cheapest-service
Home Page: http://www.cheapest-service.com/agents/

I was going to point that out also. Thanx :) On another note, even if you do use javascript, it should be used only when a server side programming language won't do the trick. Many people dissable javascript in their browsers, rendering your page's functionality useless to those users if you rely on it heavily.

If you have too much javascript directly in your HTML, search engines are going to ignore the majority of your page. Rule of thumb, only use javascript if you absolutely have to.

On an off note........IM STILL WAITING ON THAT CGI FELLA'S!!!

Monday, 27 February 2006 - 5:59 PM EST

Name: cw

You're right about the overuse of JS and any other bells and whistles that make a page more complex than needed. Keeping it simple is a good goal. Not only do many people disable JS, many network administrators do as well. All of the computers on my husband's work network have JS turned off from the top when online. That's several hundred computers. From my own site stats, I can't believe how many people surf while at work lol. So depending on JS to do something for you is risky. Still, JS can be useful such as in navigation menu scripts as long as you have html text backup navigation like a sitemap. It can also be fun to play with and use on personal sites and makes learning html and web building more interesting to me. IMHO using it if ever and when depends on the script and what it's for, a site's vistor base, and your own prefs.

Hoping for your sake that the cgi glitch is fixed soon!

Tuesday, 28 February 2006 - 11:19 AM EST

Name: dalleh

try to use frames, untill they fix the problem.

Friday, 3 March 2006 - 2:47 PM EST

Name: al4/cheapest-service

I know I could use frames, but that is a good way to get your site flagged or worse, ban.

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